A sophisticated first course for a dinner party.
Порции 4 persons, Време за подготовка: 5 minutes, Време за сотиране на висока температура: 23 minutes
- 200 g tiger prawns or shrimp, peeled and deveined (Tip)
- 1 tomato
- 50 g leek, or spring onions
- 1 chopped garlic clove
- 1 chopped small red onion
- 30 g tomato paste
- a pinch of cayenne pepper
- 1 stalk fresh parsley
- 500 ml fish or seafood stock
- 150 ml cream
- Optional:
- a pinch of saffron
- Extra:
- olive oil, lemon juice and sea salt to taste
Как да приготвя
- Chop the tomato and leek roughly.
- Place all the ingredients into the Soup maker with the prawns on top. Close the lid and press the Puréed soup program.
- Pour the soup into your favourite serving bowls and serve with garlic toasted bread.
- Съвет от майстор готвача: Use the prawn shells to enrich the stock: Sauté the shells, add the stock and simmer for 15-20 minutes and strain.