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IntelliSpace Portal clinical portfolio

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CT COPD to quantify diffuse lung disease

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The clinical application helps visualize and quantify the destructive process of diffuse lung disease (e.g. emphysema), providing a guided workflow for airway analysis, reviewing and measuring airway lumen, and assessing air trapped.

A comprehensive lung management solution on a single advanced platform

From nodule discovery to diagnosis to therapy monitoring and follow up, the IntelliSpace Portal offers a full suite of advanced visualization pulmonology tools to help. The IntelliSpace Portal is an advanced visualization solution that allows you the flexibility to view, analyze, collaborate, and report seamlessly using consistent workflow tools.

Calcium Scoring

CT Calcium Scoring

One-click 3D calcium segmentation

One-click 3D segmentation and quantification for coronary arteries calcifications including mass, Agatston, and volume scores.

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  • Calcium scoring is achieved by performing automatic calculations on CT HU values in user-defined regions of interest.
  • Supports ECG-gated and non ECG-gated images in DICOM format from Philips and other vendors (mass score can only be calculated for Philips CT scanners).
  • The application incorporates parameters from the MESA (Multi Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis) database.



Quantify diffuse lung disease

CT COPD helps visualize and quantify the destructive process of diffuse lung disease (e.g. emphysema). The application provides a guided workflow for airway analysis, reviewing and measuring airway lumen, and assessing air trapped.

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  • Automatic lung and lobes segmentation.
  • Automatic airway extraction, airway tree segmentation and navigation path extraction, enabling the measurement of airway parameters such as lumen diameter and wall cross-section.
  • Tools for qualitative and quantitative temporal comparison of up to four follow-up studies in order to determine the progression of the disease.

Lung Nodule Assessment (LNA)

CT Lung Nodule Assessment (LNA)

Assessing lung nodules over time

Enables review and analysis of thoracic CT images, providing segmentation, quantification and characterization of physician-indicated lung nodules. The application can be used in both diagnostic and screening evaluations, supporting Low Dose CT Lung Cancer Screening*

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  • Automatic lung and lobes segmentation and one click 2D and 3D nodule segmentation.
  • Supports LungRADS categorization, Fleischner Society guidelines for incidental findings as well as a Risk Calculator tool**.
  • Pre-filled data including characteristics for each nodule in configurable presets are provided automatically by the application.
  • Lung and nodule segmentations can be shared as RT Structures.

* The screening must be performed within the established inclusion criteria of programs/protocols that have been approved and published by either a governmental body or professional medical society. Please refer to clinical literature, including the results of the National Lung Screening Trial (N Engl J Med 2011; 365:395-409) and subsequent literature, for further information.
** Based on patient and nodule characteristics for estimation of the probability that lung nodules detected on baseline screening low-dose CT scans are malignant. These functionalities may not be available in all territories. Please contact a Philips representative for more details.

Lung Nodule CAD

CT Lung Nodule CAD*

Automated computer aid for lung nodule detection

Artificial second reader to support the detection of lesions or nodules which may have been missed. It offers an automated process that identifies and marks regions of interest based on image features associated with lung nodules.

It is intended for use as a second reader after an initial interpretation of the diagnostic image has been performed.

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  • Volumetric segmentation detects nodules based on size, shape, density, and anatomical context.
  • One-click display of the findings.

*CAD functionality not available for sale in the US.

Pulmonary Artery Analysis (PAA)

CT Pulmonary Artery Analysis (PAA)

Assess suspected findings of pulmonary embolism

Offers automatic and manual segmentation tools to assist in localization of suspected pulmonary embolism findings on segmental and sub-segmental contrast-opacified pulmonary arteries.

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  • A full suite of tools helps to visualize the lungs, review results, and report any PE findings.
  • Allows to extract relevant cardiac measurements such as RV/LV ventricular ratio and chambers volumes.
  • A CAD option(1) can be used as a second reader, after the initial diagnosis is completed by the radiologist.

(1) This functionality may not be available in all territories. Please contact a Philips representative for more details.

Spectral Light Magic Glass

CT Spectral Light Magic Glass

Review spectral data in a range of not spectral-enhanced CT applications

Allows retrospective use of spectral data that was saved in a series of spectral base images (SBI).

The fast launch of LMG allows review and identification of the most relevant results to be launched into the application for further analysis.

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  • The option is available from the following applications: Brain Perfusion, Functional CT, Liver Analysis, PAA, TAVI, Acute Multifunctional Review, Virtual Colonoscopy.
  • Spectral Magic Glass can be launched only for CT images or images created on the Philips IQon Spectral CT.

Spectral Magic Glass on PACS

CT Spectral Magic Glass on PACS*

IQon Spectral CT Functionality

IQon Spectral CT is the only scanner to offer CT Spectral Light Magic Glass and CT Spectral Magic Glass on PACS, helping radiologists review and analyze multiple layers of spectral data at once, including on their PACS.

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  • On-demand simultaneous analysis of multiple spectral results for an Region Of Interest (ROI).
  • Integrates into a health system’s current PACS setup for certain PACS vendors.
  • Spectral results viewable, during a routine reading.
  • Enterprise-wide spectral viewing and analysis allows access to capabilities virtually anywhere in the organization.

* Standard with the CT Spectral option on IntelliSpace Portal.

Spectral Viewer

CT Spectral Viewer

IQon Spectral CT* Functionality

The spectral viewer is optimized for analysis of spectral data sets from the IQon Spectral CT Scanner. Obtain a comprehensive overview of each patient quickly and easily, quantify quickly, and assist in diagnosis. It is designed to accommodate general spectral viewing needs with additional tools to assist in CT images analysis.

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  • Enhances the conventional image by overlaying an iodine map.
  • Visualization of virtual non-contrast images.
  • Images at different energy levels (40-200 keV).
  • Switching to various spectral results can be done through a viewport control.
  • Manage presets to create user/site-specific presets.
  • Lesion characterization using scatter plots.
  • Tissue characterization using attenuation curves.

* IQon CT reconstruction provides a single DICOM entity containing sufficient information for retrospective analysis - Spectral Base Image (SBI). SBI contains all the spectrum of spectral results with no need for additional reconstruction or post-processing. Spectral applications are creating different spectral results from SBI.

Tumor Tracking

Multi Modality Tumor Tracking (MMTT)

Streamlined workflow for follow up and analysis of oncology patients

MMTT is a post processing software used to display, process, analyze and quantify anatomical and functional images, for CT, MR, PET/CT, SPECT/CT and Dual Energy CT at one or multiple time points.

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  • Enhanced semi-automatic volumetric segmentation.
  • Selectable oncology response criteria including standards such as RECIST 1.0, RECIST 1.1, WHO, CHOI, PERCIST, irRC and mRECIST, as well as PET SUV analysis including glucose-corrected SUV.
  • Findings can be shared with other IntelliSpace Portal applications such as CT Liver Analysis and CT Viewer or exported in different formats including RT Structures.


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