Sleep Apnea Care
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Successfully managing

sleep apnea care

OSA in the USA

More than 22 million Americans have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), and as many as 80 percent of sleep apnea patients in the U.S. remain undiagnosed.

Successfully managing sleep patients in today’s changing healthcare environment is more challenging and costly than ever. It has become increasingly important to make diagnosing complex sleep conditions more efficient, make therapy easier for patients to live with and make ongoing care more productive and cost-effective.

Recognizing the growing need for new and better solutions, we’ve taken an end-to-end approach to help establish healthier patients and healthier businesses for a changing world.


Learn more about our solutions for sleep apnea management.


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Sleep apnea therapy

Consumer resources and information


Browse Philips full line of sleep therapy products and explore consumer resources.

Examining sleep apnea

Examining sleep apnea

Help your patients understand what those who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea live with every night.

Philips Respironics eCatalog

Philips Respironics offers innovative products for sleep and home respiratory care as well as medical education and value-added programs to help you navigate a rapidly changing industry landscape, and in the interest of maximizing both clinical and business success.


Medicare DME fee schedule information

This spreadsheet provides Medicare DME fee schedule information, by HCPCS code and by state, for Philips Respironics products. One spreadsheet is for sleep-related items while the other is for all Philips Respironics items. Each lists the floor and ceiling allowables for each item in addition to the state-specific rates.

Tools to help patients manage their sleep apnea therapy

Enable patients to take a more active role in their sleep apnea therapy.

Enable patients to take a more active role in their sleep apnea therapy.


With DreamMapper, patients may be better able to embrace their sleep therapy by using a mobile and web-based system designed to help them manage OSA.

Related solutions



    EncoreAnywhere is a web-based system that makes it easier and more efficient for sleep professionals to manage patient compliance and therapy. Anytime. Anywhere. It's powerful, accurate and HIPAA compliant.



    With the addition of a gel cushion option, Philips Respironics has made the ingeniously-simple Amara face mask even more brilliant. Your patients can now choose the type of comfort they prefer in their cushion with gel or silicone options.

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Better Sleep and Breathing with Philips Respironics

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