The V6-2 Curved Array Volumetric transducer has 6 to 2 MHz extended operating frequency range and a lightweight, ergonomic design, supporting high resolution 2D imaging, high resolution, quantitative, single sweep 3D volume acquisition and 4D imaging up to 36 volumes per second, for general purpose transabdominal obstetrical and gynecological applications.
Technology |
Number of elements |
Frequency range |
Array Type |
Aperture |
Field of view |
Volume of field of view |
Applications |
Biopsy capable |
Image Fusion Navigation capable |
Technology |
Number of elements |
Technology |
Number of elements |
Frequency range |
Array Type |
Aperture |
Field of view |
Volume of field of view |
Applications |
Biopsy capable |
Image Fusion Navigation capable |
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