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eIAC program

Telehealth program for the highest-cost intensive ambulatory care patients

To learn more about Philips enterprise telehealth programs, please call us at

1-866-554-4776 or click below.

Care delivery re-imaged for the most complex, highest-cost patient populations

The eIAC ambulatory telehealth program is built upon a population management software platform designed for monitoring and delivering care to the most complex patients at home. Care systems develop the organizational capability to deliver integrated, coordinated care across specialties and services at scale. The eIAC program enables all stakeholders in the clinical and social management of a patient to identify and address the root causes of the patient’s frequent admissions, creating a cohesive system of care that helps reduce hospital admissions while providing the highest level of care to patients with complex, chronic conditions.¹

et eiac video

Intensive Ambulatory Care program: A holistic approach to patient care

Philips enterprise telehealth programs enable the transition to patient-centered, cost-effective, proactive health management and support pay-for-value care delivery.

Program features and services


By combining leading telehealth technologies that monitor and educate, with a transformed clinical model that unites former factionalized care team members, the eIAC program brings a concentration of effort to the small number of patients that utilize the majority of your system’s resources and funds.

Advanced algorithms


The eIAC program leverages Philips’ proprietary algorithms to select actionable patient populations for whom a coaching-focused ambulatory care model can make a significant impact. The eIAC program accounts for the dynamic nature of your patient populations and adapts to each patient‘s status to provide that you are proactively managing today’s highest-cost patients and making the most effective use of your resources. 

Behavioral science foundation²


The platform and program are highly tailorable, so that care plans can be personalized to each patient's current behavior and readiness for change. Communications are tailored based on precise patient phenotyping. Behavioral science theory has been employed to shape eIAC program care experiences, providing the greatest chance of patient acceptance and adoption of proper self-care behaviors.

Clinical and operational support and training


The comprehensive eIAC program provides detailed designs and workflows that are underpinned by a technology platform that helps you rapidly stand up and scale your program. The Philips team is there at every step to provide you with the support and training required to start on the right path, grow you program and realize the clinical and financial outcomes you seek.

Platform for effective care collaboration


Complex patients require a multi-disciplinary team of clinicians and specialists. The eIAC program provides a platform for cross-functional care teams to collaborate in real-time on their highest-cost patients; and track and manage the physiological and psycho-social risk factors that might increase the chances of a hospital readmission.

Real-world results


Treating patients with complex chronic conditions—the most acute 5% of the patient population—often takes up 50% of a health system’s resources.³ The eIAC program can help lower the cost of quality care for these patients. In a study at Banner Health, the eIAC program¹:

  • Reduced costs of care by 27 percent. Driven primarily by a reduction in hospitalization rates and days in the hospital, as well as a reduction in professional service and outpatient costs.


  • Reduced acute and long term care costs by 32 percent. Primarily due to a significant decrease in hospitalizations.
  • Reduced hospitalizations by 45 percent. Prior to enrollment in the eIAC program, there were 11.5 hospitalizations per 100 patients per month; after enrollment, the acute and long-term hospitalization rate dropped to 6.3 hospitalizations per 100 patients per month.
  • Acute short term hospital stays decreased from 7.7 hospitalizations per 100 patients per month to 4.9.
  • Long term care, home health or other facility stays decreased from 3.9 hospitalizations per 100 patients per month to 1.4.

graph of eiac results

Enabling technologies



    To learn more about Philips enterprise telehealth programs, please call us at 1-866-554-4776 or click below.


    eCareCompanion patient app  

    To learn more about Philips enterprise telehealth programs, please call us at 1-866-554-4776 or click below.

Enterprise telehealth multi-disciplinary teams inforgraphic

Connected, patient-centered care 


  1. Dahl, D., Khurana MD, H. (2015). Impact of an intensive ambulatory program on both financial and clinical outcomes in Banner Health. Unpublished internal study.
  2. Debra Lieberman, Ph.D., Consultant, Evidence-Based Strategies for Improving Home Telehealth Educational Videos Users’ Health Behaviors,(2015)
  3. Department of Health and Human Services, AHRQ, The Concentration and Persistence in the Level of Health Expenditures over Time: Estimates for the U.S. Population, 2008-2009

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