By Philips ∙ Nov, 2023 ∙ 3 min read
Departmental imaging systems — such as radiology and cardiology PACS — that have been productive for several years are good candidates for replacement and data migration. By choosing an experienced data migration vendor, you can accomplish the project quickly and with little interruption to your current workflows. Newer technologies deliver medical images and data with improved speed, anywhere/anytime access, consistent workflows and full clinical context to empower collaborative care across sites, specialties and technologies.
10 questions IT managers ask when migrating medical data
To stay up to date with current best practices, most healthcare organizations will need to replace or update their outdated, inefficient departmental silos with enterprise imaging solutions. When systems reach full capacity or obsolescence, migrating data to a more capable system can be the path to more effective care.
A top-ranked migration vendor can deliver a success rate above 99.8%. If the quality of legacy data and storage support are problematic, the failure rate can be as high as 10%. Chief Informatics Officers and IT managers put a lot of time and effort into selecting the right vendor to meet their requirements. But the data migration process Is critically important to the success of the upgrade project. If you're considering an upgrade, there are 10 common questions you should ask potential data migration vendors.
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